Al Sweigart Python
These projects are a curated list of projects and exercises from the four Al Sweigart books listed at the top of this page. The materials are excellent and have been generously made freely available online. If you find them useful and use them, please consider supporting Als generosity by purchasing his books or donating on his website here. Each of the modules below contains some exercises, projects and games. It is recommended that you have already completed Code Club Python before starting these.
Module 1
1 - Project: #15 Deep Cave, The Big Book of Small Python Projects, Al Sweigart
2 - Project: #3 Bitmap Message, The Big Book of Small Python Projects, Al Sweigart
3 - Project: #2 Birthday Paradox, The Big Book of Small Python Projects, Al Sweigart
4 - Exercise: #2 Temperature Conversion, Python Programming Exercises, Gently Explained, Al Sweigart
5 - Exercise: #3 Odd & Even, Python Programming Exercises, Gently Explained, Al Sweigart
6 - Game: Tic-Tac-Toe, Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python, Al Sweigart
Module 2
1 - Project: #10 Cho-Han, The Big Book of Small Python Projects, Al Sweigart
2 - Project: #7 Caesar Hacker, The Big Book of Small Python Projects, Al Sweigart
3 - Project: #5 Bouncing DVD Logo, The Big Book of Small Python Projects, Al Sweigart
4 - Exercise: #4 Area & Volume, Python Programming Exercises, Gently Explained, Al Sweigart
5 - Exercise: #5 Fizz Buzz, Python Programming Exercises, Gently Explained, Al Sweigart
6 - Game: Sonar Treasure Hunt, Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python, Al Sweigart
Module 3
1 - Project: #8 Calendar Maker, The Big Book of Small Python Projects, Al Sweigart
2 - Project: #9 Carrot in a Box, The Big Book of Small Python Projects, Al Sweigart
3 - Project: #13 Conways Game of Life, The Big Book of Small Python Projects, Al Sweigart
4 - Exercise: #9 Chess Square Colour, Python Programming Exercises, Gently Explained, Al Sweigart
5 - Exercise: #10 Find and Replace, Python Programming Exercises, Gently Explained, Al Sweigart
6 - Game: The Reversegam Game, Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python, Al Sweigart
Module 4
1 - Project: #12 Collatz Sequence, The Big Book of Small Python Projects, Al Sweigart
2 - Project: #1 Bagels, The Big Book of Small Python Projects, Al Sweigart
3 - Project: #17 Dice Math, The Big Book of Small Python Projects, Al Sweigart
4 - Exercise: #11 Hours, Minutes, Seconds, Python Programming Exercises, Gently Explained, Al Sweigart
5 - Exercise: #12 Smallest and Biggest, Python Programming Exercises, Gently Explained, Al Sweigart
6 - Game: Memory Puzzle, Making Games with Python & Pygame, Al Sweigart
Module 5
1 - Project: #14 Countdown, The Big Book of Small Python Projects, Al Sweigart
2 - Project: #11 Clickbait, The Big Book of Small Python Projects, Al Sweigart
3 - Project: #4 Blackjack, The Big Book of Small Python Projects, Al Sweigart
4 - Exercise: #14 Average, Python Programming Exercises, Gently Explained, Al Sweigart
5 - Exercise: #17 Dice Roll, Python Programming Exercises, Gently Explained, Al Sweigart
6 - Game: Wormy, Making Games with Python & Pygame, Al Sweigart
Module 6
1 - Project: #16 Diamonds, The Big Book of Small Python Projects, Al Sweigart
2 - Project: #18 Dice Roller, The Big Book of Small Python Projects, Al Sweigart
3 - Project: #22 Ducklings, The Big Book of Small Python Projects, Al Sweigart
4 - Exercise: #18 Buy 8 Get 1 Free, Python Programming Exercises, Gently Explained, Al Sweigart
5 - Exercise: #19 Password Generator, Python Programming Exercises, Gently Explained, Al Sweigart
6 - Game: Simulate, Making Games with Python & Pygame, Al Sweigart
Module 7
1 - Project: #19 Digital Clock, The Big Book of Small Python Projects, Al Sweigart
2 - Project: #21 DNA Visualisation, The Big Book of Small Python Projects, Al Sweigart
3 - Project: #27 Fish Tank, The Big Book of Small Python Projects, Al Sweigart
4 - Exercise: #25 Multiplication Table, Python Programming Exercises, Gently Explained, Al Sweigart
5 - Exercise: #27 Rectangle Drawing, Python Programming Exercises, Gently Explained, Al Sweigart
6 - Game: Tetromino, Making Games with Python & Pygame, Al Sweigart
Module 8
1 - Project: #20 Digital Stream, The Big Book of Small Python Projects, Al Sweigart
2 - Project: #23 Etching Drawer, The Big Book of Small Python Projects, Al Sweigart
3 - Project: #28 Flooder, The Big Book of Small Python Projects, Al Sweigart
4 - Exercise: #23 99 Bottles of Beer, Python Programming Exercises, Gently Explained, Al Sweigart
5 - Exercise: #38 Random Shuffle, Python Programming Exercises, Gently Explained, Al Sweigart
6 - Game: Star Pusher, Making Games with Python & Pygame, Al Sweigart